Despite the recent changeable weather, a range of invertebrates are still visiting the garden. Common Carder Bumblebees and Honey Bees continue to be busy in the flower beds competing with the various hoverflies that are still around - these are mainly Eristalis sp. with a number of small unidentified sp. adding to the mix.
I don't usually bother with the large number of flies that all look very similar but a recent Cluster Fly stood out because of the golden coloured thorax.
Cluster Fly |
Also seeing a number of the tiny Moth/Drain Flies.
Moth Fly |
As the flowers begin to die back, a number of leafhoppers are appearing on the leaves. The majority of these have been Eupterys melissae (I think), but there have been occasional sightings of, what I believe is, Eupteryx decemnotata. My problem with this is that E decemnotata does not appear to have any sightings logged on the LRC Wales DAT - is my ID wrong or is this species under-recorded?
Eupterys melissae |
Eupteryx decomnotata ? |
Having not seen a Harvestman for a couple of years, I have now seen three species in the garden this year. In addition to Dicranpalpus ramosus and Leiobunum rotundum, I have recently spotted Opilio canestrinii in the flower beds.
Opilio canestrinii |
The garden continues to amaze, and it is very much a case of 'the more you look, the more you see'.