Southern Marsh Orchids

Southern Marsh Orchids

Friday, 10 July 2015


Found a few bugs at Penarth and Parc Slip yesterday and would appreciate a few pointers please. Are these first two Notostira elongata (apologies for the quality of the photos...)?

Can't find a match for this one:
 And is this Stenotus binotatus?


  1. I'm not very good on bugs, but I'm pretty sure the first and last are both Stenotus binotatus (the first being a male and the last one a female). The second one does look good for Notostira elongata, though I've no experience of that species in the flesh. No idea about the third one. You could always email the query to the BritishBugs people using the address on the website.

  2. Thanks George - i think that the first one might be male Leptopterna dolabrata now and i've been told that the third is ANthocoris nemorum which looks right to me...

  3. Yes, good call on the first one.
