Southern Marsh Orchids

Southern Marsh Orchids

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Scabious Sawfly (Abia sericea) larva

Found this little beastie on the decking on Tuesday night and after a bit of searching managed to ID it as a Scabious Sawfly - I do have a lot of scabious in the flower beds this year but haven't noticed this quite large (approx 30mm) larva so I don't know where it's been hiding. The adult has a very distinctive appearance so something to look out for in the future.


  1. Funnily enough we saw this species yesterday, at Ty-du Moors SSSI near Capel Llanilltern - not too far from you. Plenty of Devil's-bit Scabious there.

    Also look out for the scarcer Abia candens, which lacks the dark central spots between the pairs of orange spots.

  2. What is strange is that I totally failed to see this on the scabious in the flower beds - and, since finding this, I have looked, both during the day and after dark, and I haven't found another!
